Cumming - Martin Rd
Dawsonville - Prominence Ct
Dawsonville - Grizzle Rd
Dahlonega - Auraria Rd


2/17 - Closed for Prof Dev Day

3/3 - GA PreK Wait ListĀ Opens

2025 Holiday Calendar

Why the name?

When choosing a name for our learning academies, the image of the White Oak tree characterized our mission.

The White Oak:

  • Is a majestic tree which grows for generations
  • Looks unique
  • Grows slowly, but strong
  • Produces fruit, the acorn, a valuable resource for wildlife in the forest

The term "The Mighty Oak" comes from this magnificent tree. Its slow and steady growth, paired with remarkable longevity, make white oaks a dominant force in the forest. It can live for 600 years or more! The wood of White Oaks is a valuable resource and was once used extensively for shipbuilding. This solid wood becomes more waterproof after being placed in water.

Just like shipbuilders who used White Oaks to reach their destination, we help your children reach theirs. Through proven techniques, individualized care, and family values, we help your child become strong and healthy, much like a White Oak.

The Wright family history includes a long line of farmers and teachers. As a tribute to our family history of growing and nurturing, we are strengthening our focus and sharpening our skills to help your child grow and succeed. Our family, in pursuit of this goal, has chosen a new name and a renewed focus. White Oaks symbolize this mission and we are happy to share this with our students and parents.

The Wright Family