
Parents of three year olds know this age group loves to move and explore. We encourage this behavior as students experiment with multiple activities and educational modalities. Through a variety of small and large group activities, and center-based activities, children learn with proven brain-based techniques.

Standards for the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS) include:

  • Gross motor skills- describes the manner in which this age group controls body movements, demonstrates coordination and balance, and expresses creativity through movement
  • Fine motor skills- expresses how three year olds control hands and fingers, and shows hand-eye coordination
  • Self-help skills- these include how three year olds acquire skills for dressing, feeding, personal hygiene, and other routine tasks
  • Health and safety skills- these standards outline how well a child pays attention to safety instructions, attends to personal health needs, identifies healthy food choices, and relates personal identification information

Enrichment areas include:

  • Creative arts
  • Music/Movement
  • Dramatic Play
  • Blocks
  • Language
  • Outdoor activities
  • Science/Sensory
  • Academic options
  • Math/Manipulatives
  • Character Education