Cumming - Martin Rd
Dawsonville - Prominence Ct
Dawsonville - Grizzle Rd
Dahlonega - Auraria Rd


2/17 - Closed for Prof Dev Day

3/3 - GA PreK Wait ListĀ Opens

2025 Holiday Calendar


Parents of three year olds know this age group loves to move and explore. We encourage this behavior as students experiment with multiple activities and educational modalities. Through a variety of small and large group activities, and center-based activities, children learn with proven brain-based techniques.

Standards for the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS) include:

  • Gross motor skills- describes the manner in which this age group controls body movements, demonstrates coordination and balance, and expresses creativity through movement
  • Fine motor skills- expresses how three year olds control hands and fingers, and shows hand-eye coordination
  • Self-help skills- these include how three year olds acquire skills for dressing, feeding, personal hygiene, and other routine tasks
  • Health and safety skills- these standards outline how well a child pays attention to safety instructions, attends to personal health needs, identifies healthy food choices, and relates personal identification information

Enrichment areas include:

  • Creative arts
  • Music/Movement
  • Dramatic Play
  • Blocks
  • Language
  • Outdoor activities
  • Science/Sensory
  • Academic options
  • Math/Manipulatives
  • Character Education